Thursday, 30 March 2017

What you need to know about exposed aggregate concrete

When you are constructing patios, driveways and sidewalks, there are many materials like asphalt, gravel, granite and concrete are used, but the important part is the finishing of these processes and that is where Exposed aggregate concrete comes into the picture and it is considered as one of the best finishing materials to trust for. Let first understand how concrete works.

Concrete is nothing but a mixture of four essential elements: water, cement, aggregate and sand and the ratio of the four elements are decided as per the construction type. After the mixing of these four components, processes like bull floating, flattening and washing is done and then the final surface is exposed that is called exposed aggregate concrete.

There are many exterior parts where this exposed aggregate concrete is used like patios, driveways and sidewalks. It offers excellent ambiance and look to the exterior part of the home and adds the overall value of the home. The reason it is used in patios is that the finishing is smooth and adds the aesthetic appeal to the living area that looks gala. Also, it gives excellent finish to the coloured concrete driveway.

There are some excellent benefits associated with exposed aggregate concrete and you should make sure that you know about them:

The surface that is made with the exposed aggregate concrete is solid and strong and it has a good interaction with the environment. The risk of skidding is minimum and this surface lasts longer compared to others. A good surface combined with attractive look gives magnificent value to the exterior part of your home. 

Another important advantage is almost zero maintenance cost. The driveways and sidewalks made with the exposed aggregate concrete requires almost zero maintenance and all you need to do is to clean them at regular intervals and that is all.

It offers excellent versatility with other construction treatments like stenciling, integral coloring and staining and this is what you are looking for.

All you need to do is to hire a right company that offers such exposed aggregate concrete construction and that is all.

To know more, you can visit

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